Friday, April 19 at 6 PM – Congregational Passover Seder – you must RSVP with your check no later than April 12.
The Seder is open to members of the Jewish community and their families. If you wish to bring guests other than your family, please check with Rabbi Blair before inviting them.
Due to the expense of the food we must purchase and having to order table linens in time for the event, we ask that Seder reservations, along with pre-payment, be received in the Temple office no later than Friday, April 12.
Please mail your check to the Temple to confirm your reservation as soon as possible.
Cost of the meal:
Adults: $15
Students (all ages): $5
Pre-kindergarten: $2
Please notify us of any special dietary needs well in advance of the event. Let us know if you will need a high chair or booster seat. Let us know of any seating preference, which will be accommodated as much as possible. The most we can seat at one table is 12 people.
Please make checks payable to Temple Israel and mail to Temple Israel, 2312 Kanawha Blvd. E., Charleston WV 25311.