Meetings, classes and other events are a mix of hybrid, online-only and in-person-only events. Please check the twice-weekly LINKS emails from Rabbi Blair for participation info. If you aren’t receiving these emails, please contact Rabbi Blair.

Contact Us

Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday – Friday

Temple Israel
2312 Kanawha Blvd E
Charleston WV 25311

Office: (304) 342-5852

The Temple office is closed on major Federal holidays (including MLK Day) and on Jewish festival holidays and the High Holy Days, following the Reform calendar.

Note: Temple Israel is sometimes referred to as “Congregation B’nai Israel” on the internet and stone markers on the property. We have 2 names!

Parking & Entrances

Temple Israel is located at the corner of Kanawha Boulevard East and Chesapeake Avenue approximately 1/2 mile east of the WV State Capitol Complex.

Parking is located at the back and west side of the building which is accessible from Chesapeake Avenue.

The semi-circular driveway at the Temple’s front entrance on Kanawha Boulevard can be used as a passenger drop-off area and as accessible parking, for people with disabilities that make it difficult or impossible to climb steps.

If a driver is a person with disabilities and needs to park in front of the building, we ask you to pull as close to the edge of the driveway as possible. This will allow other cars to drop off passengers and pass through on their way to park in one of the Temple’s lots or on the street.

When parking in the semi-circle, please don’t block the ramp that leads to the front doors.

For information on Charleston’s other Jewish congregation, go to to view their website.