Temple Israel will hold a congregational Passover Seder on Friday, April 15 at 6 PM. There won’t be a Shabbat service on the 15th.
Pre-paid RSVPs are due in the Temple office no later than April 7.
Your check is your reservation. A reservation form was mailed to Temple members and Sisterhood members in mid-March. Please mail your check and RSVP form to the Temple to confirm your reservation as soon as possible. No reservations can be made without a check.
All payments must be received prior to the Seder. There won’t be a way to pay at the door.
Cost of the meal: Adults: $15; Students (all ages): $5; Pre-Kindergarten: $2. Please make checks payable to Temple Israel and mail to Temple Israel, 2312 Kanawha Blvd. E., Charleston WV 25311.
The Seder is open to members of the Jewish Community and their families. If you wish to bring someone other than a family member, please talk with Rabbi Blair before sending in your reservation check.
Note: With the exception of the brisket and chicken, all other dishes are meatless. Almost everything is gluten-free, no sugar added, and reduced-fat and reduced-sodium. The matzoh ball soup broth is chicken, but we will prepare a separate batch of vegetarian/gluten free Matzoh ball soup. We will also have gluten-free matzoh available upon request.
If you desire or require the vegetarian/gluten-free matzoh OR matzoh ball soup, please let us know when you make your reservations. Also, please include any seating requests with your reservation.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on April 15.
Alan Fleischmann, Seder chairman
Francine Thalheimer, Temple president