600 Washington St E Charleston WV 25301
1pm Coffee and Cheesecake in theater lobby
2pm Fiddler-Miracle of Miracles (97 Min) 2019
This is a documentary about the creation and influence of the play and the
movie and the new Yiddish Broadway version of Fiddler on the Roof. It
explores how the story created by Sholem Aleichem of life in a Jewish shtetl
became a vital and urgent piece of art about refugees, intolerance and the
perennial clash of modernity with, yep, sing it with me, tradition!
This film is for everyone.
3:45pm Hate Among Us (92 Min) 2020
This powerful documentary provides a perspective on the recent rise in
antisemitism with input from young and old alike, from Jew and non-Jew, from
within historic Jewish neighborhoods in Europe, to the streets of Charlottesville
and Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue murders. Montel Williams is a
passionate producer and narrator. This is one of only three national premiere
releases of this film along with LA and Miami.
This film is not for everyone. Graphic and disturbing.
These are both full length films so perhaps choose one…
or see both…same price…Free