03/27/2022 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Sunday, March 27 at 3 PM – Jewish Literature



Turns out that Rachel is not available on March 27th, so we will push that story to the next session, on April 10th.

Instead, we will look at a poem on the same theme – the story of Lot from the Tanakh.

I will try to set the stage by introducing the story of Lot, and Arnie will lead us in looking at a poem.

This poem is by Kristine Batey, and is called LOT. {Click the title to open the document.}

This in effect creates a package of this session and the next, as both relate to this story of Lot. 🙂


So: please read the poem, and anything you want to research about the story of Lot, and we will jump in on Sunday, March 27th, again at 3 pm.


For April 10th, we will read the short story by Michal Lemberger that Rachel Dash suggested called Lot’s Wife. [CLICK THE TITLE TO ACCESS THE DOCUMENT]. Rachel will lead our conversation for that session. The story is about 6 pages in length.


