Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 6 p.m. – “Introduction to Judaism,” with an evening minyan preceding the class. This first session will be held at the Temple. Subsequent sessions will alternate between the Temple and B’nai Jacob.
“Introduction to Judaism”
A series of ten one-hour stand-alone sessions on topics in Judaism. Rabbi Urecki and I will be offering this series starting at the Temple NOVEMBER 28th, alternating the location between the Synagogue and the Temple – and we may decide to move to other venues for some sessions. These are scheduled on Wednesday evenings at ~6 pm (with an evening service minyan proceeding each session, if you would like to attend it). The series is free and open to anyone interested, and it is ‘drop-in’; you do not need to attend all sessions. We hope that the material will be of interest to everyone, no matter the level of knowledge with which they start. For anyone who is new to, or considering Judaism, this should be an excellent starting place; it will serve as the first part of a Jewish studies curriculum. All others are welcome as well; it is our hope that everyone will learn something new, no matter their background or knowledge. The topics are:
1. Introduction & Background; November 28; Temple
2. G-d; December 12; Synagogue
3. Torah; January 2, 2019; Temple
4. Israel; January 16; Synagogue
5. Lifecycle; February 6; Temple
6. Calendar/Holidays; (Major & Minor) February 20; Synagogue
7. Jewish Literature; March 6; Temple
8. Synagogue/Temple Life; March 20; Synagogue
9. Jewish History; April 10; Temple
10. Contemporary Topics; April 24; Temple
11. Conversion; May 11; Synagogue