12/04/2021 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Hanukkah Dinner on Saturday, Dec. 4 at 5:30 PM

“Let There Be Hanukkah Light”

No rain date.

Please call your RSVP in to Shelly and David Winowich, event chairs. All reservations must be made through Shelly and David, not the Temple office.

The dinner will be held in tents outside in the side parking lot, where the tents will have heaters and lights.

Attendees must be fully vaccinated, and wear masks while not eating.

This is a free event. No guests.

Dinner will be catered by Tastefully Dun, but will include Alan Fleischmann’s latkes.

You are welcome to bring your own menorah, with candles to fit it for the Seventh night of Hanukkah, for the “Let There Be Hanukkah Light”display.