Temple Israel’s annual congregational meeting and dinner will be held Wednesday, May 9 at 6 p.m. A special mailing is being sent to Temple members in late April.
In addition to matters normally taken up at our annual meeting, the Congregation will consider amending the Temple’s Constitution to reduce the size of our Board from 12 to 9 Trustees. We will also have a guest speaker, Mr. Mark Levin, an architect from Levin/Brown Associates of Baltimore, Md. Mr. Levin will speak on the process of the renovation of sanctuaries and related spaces, which is a subject being explored by the recently appointed Sanctuary Renovation Committee.
Following the annual meeting will be the congregational dinner, which is free for Temple members. So that we have enough food prepared and seating arranged, please RSVP for the dinner to the Temple office no later than Friday, May 4.
You don’t need to make a reservation to attend the meeting.